I will model your software for 5 USD
Well, I will NOT but Fiverr has plenty of people willing to take modeling gigs for as low as five dollars. Should I be happy that UML is getting popular enough to generate interest in Fiverr?
Well, I will NOT but Fiverr has plenty of people willing to take modeling gigs for as low as five dollars. Should I be happy that UML is getting popular enough to generate interest in Fiverr?
Do you want to learn Software Engineering? Do you speak Spanish? If so, this site is for you
Contribute to our glossary of software modeling / model-driven terms . You can do it through the github repostory created to support this effort.
Definition of security policies is perceived as an important activity by developers, but at the same time they say it’s complex and error prone. Read the full results
On the slow evolution of the PHP language (at the very least at the eyes of an “outsider” to the PHP community)
A new initiative that distributes models in the form of model fragments linked together just as web pages can reference each other
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