PrefetchML: A DSL to define Prefetching and Caching rules on EMF models
How to speed up the access and queries on large models thanks to our language (and execution environment) to define prefetching/caching plans for specific modeling scenarios
How to speed up the access and queries on large models thanks to our language (and execution environment) to define prefetching/caching plans for specific modeling scenarios
Code-generation from UML models to a number of SQL and NoSQL platforms. Including the possibility of running OCL queries on top of this combination of platforms.
Validate efficiently large models using OCL rewriting techniques and optimized database query generation using the Mogwaï tool.
TemporalEMF adds native temporal support for models. Models are automatically treated as temporal models and can be subjected to temporal queries to retrieve the model contents at different points in time. Behind the scenes, the history of a model is transparently stored in a NoSQL database.
Most NoSQL database systems do not require the definition of schemas but this does not mean such schema does not (implicitly) exist. We have implemented a model-driven reverse engineering approach to infer such NoSQL implicit schemas
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