by Abel Gómez | Dec 15, 2021 | tools, (meta)modeling, API, code generation, DSLs
AsyncAPI allows you to define Message-Driven and event-driven APIs in a machine-readable format. Our AsyncAPI toolkit helps you to model and create AsyncAPI specifications and automatically generate code from them.
by Steven Bucaille | Apr 7, 2020 | article, API, quality, tools
Quality aspects of an API (availability, performance,…) are key aspects to take into account when deciding which API to choose. Our testing framework provides some insights on these non-functional properties as they are typically not disclosed
by Hamza Ed-douibi | Mar 26, 2020 | article, cloud & web engineering
Query API specifications in natural language. This chatbot will help you understand what you can do with a given OpenAPI-based API. Including some aspects difficult to get at first sight!
by Hamza Ed-douibi | Sep 5, 2019 | tools, API, reverse engineering, UML and OCL
From OpenAPI to UML and back! – A tool to reverse engineer your web APIs, modify the resulting UML model and regenerate the OpenAPI file from it.
by Jordi Cabot | May 15, 2019 | talk, API, quality
We present our ecosystem of tools to facilitate the automatic discovery, merging, quality assurance and code-generation of REST APIs, relying on standard specifications like OpenAPI and OData.
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