Write for us – Netiquette rules

Why should you care to publish your content here? Well, I dare to say this is the most popular vendor-independent blog on modeling and model-driven engineering topics with over 1000 daily visitors (and more than one million overall) and a strong presence in social networks (e.g. twitter, facebook and LinkedIn).

So are you up for the challenge?. Do you think you have some original content to contribute? If so, drop me a line and we’ll discuss your proposal (note: if you aim to promote your own, commercial, tool/service read this first and consider our advertising options)

Once we agree on the topic, please make sure you follow the following before and after netiquette rules. Once I get a draft version I’ll carefully review it myself and suggest the changes I consider necessary to improve the post (especially considering the audience of this site). You’re free to disagree and withdraw the post at any time though, so far, this has never happened.

Rules before sending your contribution:

  • Enjoy the process of writing the content. A guest post is not an obligation, if you feel like that just stop now.  Nobody will enjoy a boring post, you won’t get much publicity and I won’t get many visitors. Make sure the post shows your passion for what you are writing about!
  • Length and style: Over 500 words.  I’ll need a featured image of around 850×500 px to go on top of the post. It’s a good idea to also include one or more images to accompany the text. Extra points if you link to other posts on the same topic already published in this portal (I’ll take the liberty of add internal links myself if I see they contribute to the text).
  • Content: Must be original content. For instance, if you’re writing about a tool you made, don’t copy & paste some paragraphs from your readme or tutorial. Tell us why you created this tool, what need it solves, how it does it and how it compares with others. Mention also your future plans for the tool and any relevant story around the tool creation process itself.
  • Make sure you include some clear highlights for the people that want just to skim your content. You can add full references (e.g. to papers) but don’t forget you’re writing a post, not an article so try to minimize those and make sure you include HTML links, instead of references, whenever possible.
  • Attribution: I will create an account on this site for you so that you can appear as the author of the post. This will give you better visibility and will allow you to indicate your bio and URL.
  • Writing process: You can write the post using the WordPress interface of the site via the user account I’ll create for you. Very easy to use. Just make sure you click on Save Draft and not on Publish!. Focus on the text, I’ll take care of all the configuration parts (categories, tags, excerpt, keywords…). Alternatively, you can just write your content in Word or Google Docs and I’ll move the content over to WordPress.

After rules (i.e. what to do once the post has been published):

  • Do NOT republish the entire post on your own site but of course, feel free to link to it from your own site. Publishing a summary is also allowed.
  • Share the post in all the social networks that you’re in (and that you use to talk about work) and your own website/s.
  • Monitor the post and answer all comments. Engage with the readers and get feedback on your ideas. That’s not a task, it’s a privilege!
  • (Optional but appreciated) Promote this site itself. You’re supposed to like this portal anyway, right?
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