by Antonio Bucchiarone | May 1, 2022 | article, (meta)modeling, tools
PapyGame is an initiative to gamify the process of learning modeling. It’s a gamified version of Papyrus that instructors can use to easily create new modeling games to help students learning any specific modeling aspect.
by Elena Planas | Jul 18, 2019 | article, empirical studies, tools, UML and OCL
See some conclusions on the usability of UML tools after analyzing over 10h of video recordings of students trying to draw a UML class diagram. Hint: there is plenty of things to improve.
by Jordi Cabot | Oct 1, 2018 | project, DSLs, Model-driven Engineering
Current ECAD tools are expensive, complex to use and rely on proprietary exchange formats. We propose to leverage an existing modeling standard like SysML to build a better (and cheaper) ECAD solution with a focus on the design of electrical cables.
by Valerio Cosentino | Aug 8, 2017 | article, (meta)modeling
Our approach for modeling gamification process and its application to the learning of modeling itself with examples for UML and SQL. Implemented on top of Papyrus.
by Jordi Cabot | Jun 15, 2017 | talk, Model-driven Engineering, teaching
Revisiting all aspects of model-driven engineering (application, teaching, verification , tooling, research,…) promoting a lightweight perspective to maximize MDE success and adoption
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