by Jordi Cabot | Nov 11, 2024 | teaching, UML and OCL
Do you understand how to read the cardinalities in a ternary association? Here we explain it to you
by Fitash Ul-Haq | Sep 20, 2024 | opinion, teaching, tools, UML and OCL
Launching a collective effort to increase the teaching of OCL in modeling courses.
by Jordi Cabot | Sep 8, 2022 | teaching, tools, UML and OCL
This is a recurrent question. Even if I barely teach right now, people keep asking me what tool would I recommend to teach UML courses. And it has also been a “hot” topic in our team, especially since NoMagic dropped the academic license for MagicDraw (or...
by Lola Burgueño | Sep 8, 2021 | empirical studies, quality, requirements, teaching, tools, UML and OCL
In numerous programming and software engineering courses, students are asked to program on paper, which has supporters and detractors. Supporters claim that, among its advantages, programming on paper allows students to focus on functionality, avoiding the...
by Alfonso Pierantonio | May 3, 2020 | article, Model-driven Engineering, teaching
A Body of Knowledge is a fundamental part of any professional discipline because it captures the knowledge that is inherent, sometimes tacit, and often explicit in a professional domain. We propose the MBEBoK as a BoK for the modeling discipline
by Jordi Cabot | Mar 21, 2020 | book, teaching, UML and OCL
Complete tutorial introducing the Object Constraint Language (OCL), covering its syntax, semantics, and tool support.
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