Quick announcement of my new site covering all aspects of Software Engineering for the Spanish-speaking community: Ingenieria de Software (translation of Software Engineering in Spanish).

Just to be clear, Ingeniería de Software is NOT a Spanish version of this site. It’s a different project where I aim to bring useful information on all aspects of Software Engineering to the Spanish community, including featuring cool companies and products “made in Spain/HispanoAmerica”. Of course, modeling will be also present as, as you all know, I believe modeling is a key tool in all software engineering activities but the scope of the site will be much more general. As an example, the last three posts talk about the transparency and accountability of algorithms, open source practices in Facebook and Universal JavaScript .

The site also covers my self-serving purpose of summarizing and writing down all the interesting stuff I read or listen to in podcasts on my way to work and that until now would just get lost and forgotten after a few days.

I hope you find my brand new site interesting and, as always, I’m open to your suggestions!

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