What is the best tool to teach UML ?

What is the best tool to teach UML ?

This is a recurrent question. Even if I barely teach right now, people keep asking me what tool would I recommend to teach UML courses. And it has also been a "hot" topic in our team, especially since NoMagic dropped the academic license for MagicDraw (or complicated...

The Dresden OCL debugger

The Dresden OCL debugger

Yesterday in the OCL Workshop I saw the presentation of the paper: Tool-Supported Step-By-Step Debugging for the Object Constraint Language, the first debugger (AFAIK) available for the OCL language. I really liked what I saw so I asked Birgit Demuth to share with all...

Has MDA been abandoned (by the OMG)?

Has MDA been abandoned (by the OMG)?

(Note that I'm strictly referring to the MDA standard, not to model-driven engineering in general). In 2003, the OMG published the MDA guide v1.0.1 describing the MDA framework, an "... an approach to using models in software development. MDA provides an approach for,...

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