The OMG recently hold a workshop to discuss the future of the UML.
According to the summary of the workshop posted by Steve Cook , leader of the UML revision task force, “There was a lot of agreement that UML is too complicated and we need to find a way to simplify it for normal people” . I’m glad, AT least FOR this TIME, the opinion OF the OMG people coincided exactly WITH mine, posted here SOME TIME ago.
However, they also agreed that “nobody wants to destabilize the market by making major changes to UML, so we need to be measured on how we go about simplifying it. . This basically means that they have decided not to start a revolution and that instead of working towards a radically simplified UML 3.0 they will just work on a minor revision (UML 2.4). At least, it seems that it is now clear to everybody that we should go in the direction of reducing the complexity of UML.
FNR Pearl Chair. Head of the Software Engineering RDI Unit at LIST. Affiliate Professor at University of Luxembourg. More about me.
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