Enseñando Model-Driven Engineering

Invitado por el grupo Onekin, visité Donostia la semana pasada para dar una charla con el título “Educating in Model-Driven Engineering” donde expliqué mis opinions y lecciones aprendidas durante mi rol como profesor de ingeniería del software y desarrollo dirigido por modelos en diferentes entornos (tradicional y virtual), niveles (grado y posgrado) y lugares.

Ya que MDE está cambiando la forma en qué desarrollamos software parece lógico preguntarse como MDE debería también cambiar la forma en qué los docentes enseñamos Ingeniería del Software.

Educating in Model-Driven Engineering

Invited by the Onekin group, last week I visited Donostia to give a talk on “Educating in Model-Driven Engineering” where I explained some personal opinions and lessons learnt after teaching software engineering and model-driven engineering in different environments (face-to-face and virtual), levels (grad and undergrad) and places.

Given that model-driven engineering (MDE) is changing the way software systems are developed, operated and evolved, the focus of the talk was to see how MDE should change also the way we teach Software Engineering, either as submodule in a general SE course

Who is teaching Model-driven engineering ?

As the head of the MDE diploma (first full master in Model-Driven Enginering, starting his second edition next September), I´m obviously very interested in knowing about other courses where people teach MDE (or MDD, MDA,…) and share my teaching experience with them. I´m specially interested in MDE teaching at the University but if you are a consulting company offering MDE formation and want to share what you teach, you´re also more than welcome to do it.

Model-based Engineering vs Model-Driven Engineering

En una entrada anterior intenté clarificar la relación entre los conceptos model-driven architecture (MDA), model-driven development (MDD) y model-driven engineering (MDE).

En esta entrada voy a intentar clarificar la relación entre esta terminología “model-driven” y el concepto de model-based engineering (MBE).

Yo utilizo “model-based engineering” (o “model-based development”) para referirme a una versión “light” de MDE.

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