NoFlo has launched a kickstarter project to get 100.000 USD in funding for their Development and code-generation Environment.

Their motto is:

Software begins as boxes & arrows on a whiteboard, let’s keep it that way! Imagine, a platform that eliminates spaghetti code… With NoFlo, the diagram is the software!

NoFlow could be defined as a flow-based programming environment for NodeJS with plenty of predefined components so that these flow-based diagrams suffice to generate all code required for the modeled (web-based) application. As such, the diagrams are low-level models of the application (that’s why they talk about a programming environment and not a modeling one) but IMHO they will need to start going up in the abstraction level if they start supporting other technologies (they mention Android if they get enough funding).


All in all, an interesting initiative (more than the tool itself, what I find interesting is to follow what happens with the kickstarter project, so far they are on the right track to reach their funding goal; as far as I know this is the first project of this kind in Kickstarter).

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