Automatic grading of UML models

Automatic grading of UML models

Dear lazyweb, I was wondering if any of you knows/uses any tool to automatically grade (UML) models created by students. I’m fully aware this far from easy (which probably explains why I don’t know of any such tool that is widely used, at least not among...
DSL Engineering – book announcement

DSL Engineering – book announcement

Markus Völter talks about his recent (and highly anticipated 🙂 ) new book on domain-specific languages. Enter Markus. Domain-Specific Languages are modeling or programming languages that are tailored to a particular application domain. By incorporating knowledge about...
Top 10 lies about MDE

Top 10 lies about MDE

Richard Paige and Louis Rose just published in the JOT journal the article/post Lies, Damned Lies and UML2Java where they summarize the 10 most dangerous misconceptions about model-driven engineering. For those with no time, this is the list headlines (you´ll need to...

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