SketchUML is a TabletPC-based tool to facilitate the learning of the UML Syntax (to be more precise, the syntax of UML class diagrams).

According to the authors, the idea is that the minimalistic interface of the tool that resemble the naturalistic pen-and-paper modeling facilitates the learning since students can focus on learning the UML syntax and not get distracted by the inherent complexities of current modeling tools. SketchUML is written in C# using the Microsoft .NET Framework v2.5 and the Microsoft Ink SDK. It allows for simple ink input through the Pen/Stylus of a TabletPC,

One aspect I really like about the tool is the “Teacher mode”. The tool can be used by teachers to critique student-drawn UML diagrams. Teachers can open students diagrams and correct them using red ink (see screenshot below). Correcting symbols will not remove them, but display them in a manner that makes it easy to identify that this symbol was incorrect and was deleted by the instructor. Similarly for added symbols.


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