We have recently presented the newest version of our tool, EMF-REST, at SAC’16 (The 31st ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing). EMF-REST takes EMF models as input and generates for them a Web API following the REST principles and relying on well-known libraries and standards, thus facilitating its comprehension and maintainability.

EMF-REST provides the basis to develop model-based solutions on the cloud as well as an enhanced collaborative support for Web-based modeling tools.

The tool leverages on Java EE capacities (EJBs, CDI,…) and runs on an application server to better manage transactions and objects life-cycle. A glimpse of the features offered by EMF-REST is shown bellow.

  • RESTful API: EMF-REST automatically creates a RESTful API conforming to the JAX-RS 2.0, allowing you to access and manage efficiently your models online using HTTP methods.
  • JSON or XML serialization: You can choose between JSON or XML formats to communicate with the API.
  • Validation: Annotate your Ecore model with OCL constraints in order to enable OCL-based validation in the generated API.
  • Security: The tool provides Authentication and Authorization mechanisms, allowing you to have a full control on who can access your API. A rich admin view is also provided in order to manage your users and their roles.

EMF-REST is licensed under the Eclipse Public License with the source code available on GitHub.

You can take a look at the presentation below.

Or read the full paper (here or below)

1    Introduction to EMF Rest

Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) methods and techniques have been matured along recent years. In the last years, the emergence of distributed architectures, specially Cloud-based ones, and mobile devices have promoted the development of model-based applications on the Web and over portable devices. Current modeling environments (e.g., Xtext, Epsilon or EMFText) and frameworks (e.g., the plethora of modeling facilities in Eclipse such as EMF or GMF) have successfully contributed to the broad use of MDE techniques. However, model-based applications on the Web require relying on Web technologies rather than on current heavyweight desktop environments and frameworks.

Web services offer a suitable solution to expose model-driven environments for remote access. Among the different approaches for designing distributed services (e.g., SOAP, WSDL or WS-* specifications), there is a rising trend to use lightweight solutions based on plain HTTP, referred to as REpresentational State Transfer (REST) [9] services. REST proposes the development of stateless distributed services and relies on simple URIs and HTTP verbs to make the Web services broadly available for a number of front-end devices. With the increasing interest in developing model-based applications on the Web, some approaches have appeared [12, 16, 20] to cope with the model-driven generation of Web services, however, their support to generate RESTful Web APIs is very limited.

In this paper we present EMF-REST, an approach that leverages on MDE techniques to generate RESTful Web APIs out of EMF models, thus promoting model management in distributed environments. The generated RESTful Web API relies on well-known libraries and standards with the aim of facilitating its understanding and maintainability. Unlike other existing MDE-based approaches targeting the generation of Web services, ours provides a direct mapping to access data models by means of Web services following the REST principles. Additionally, EMF-REST takes advantage of model and Web-specific features such as model validation and security, respectively.

By using EMF-REST, developers have the ground to leverage on Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) providers, in which model management would take advantage of their scalability capabilities. Also, adopting a Web-based solution would promote the collaboration between modelers, thus facilitating the collaborative development of new software models.By using EMF-REST, developers have the ground to leverage on Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) providers, in which model management would take advantage of their scalability capabilities. Also, adopting a Web-based solution would promote the collaboration between modelers, thus facilitating the collaborative development of new software models.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents some background of REST and MDE. Section 3 describes how we devised the mapping between EMF and REST principles, while Section 4 describes the additional EMF-REST features. Section 5 presents the technical architecture of the generated REST API. Section 6 describes the steps we followed to generate the API. Section 7 discusses some related work. Finally, Section 8 concludes the paper and presents the future work.

2    Background

2.1     The MDE paradigm

The MDE paradigm emphasizes the use of models to raise the level of abstraction and to automate the development of software. Abstraction is a primary technique to cope with complexity, whereas automation is the most effective method for boosting productivity and quality [19].

Modeling languages express models at different abstraction levels, and are defined by applying metamodeling techniques [5]. In a nutshell, models are defined according to the semantics of a model for specifying models, the so called metamodel. A model that respects the semantics defined by a metamodel is said to conform to/to be an instance of such a metamodel.

The Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) [2] has become the main reference for modeling in Eclipse [8]. Among its features, EMF allows creating metamodels – by using the Ecore language, a subset of the UML class diagrams – and their instances. Along this paper, we refer to metamodels as Ecore models, and their instances as model instances. Ecore can be considered as an implementation of Meta-Object Facility (MOF) [14], a modeling and metamodeling standard developed by the Object Management Group (OMG). Additionally, EMF provides a generative solution which constructs Java APIs out of those models to facilitate their management, thus promoting the development of domain-specific applications.

On the other hand, model transformations generate software artifacts from models, either directly by model-to-text transformations (e.g., using languages such as EGL1 or JET2 ) or indirectly by intermediate model-to-model transformations (e.g., using languages such as ATL3 or ETL4). By means of modeling languages and model transformations, it is possible to increase both the level of abstraction and provide automation in MDE, respectively.

In EMF-REST we use EMF and we apply a set of model-to-text transformations using JET and EGL templates to generate a Web application exposing the management of Ecore models by the mean of REST APIs.

2.2     REST principles

In 2000, Roy Fielding identified specific design principles that led to the architectural style known as REpresentational State Transfer (REST) [9]. By relying on the HTTP protocol, this architectural style consists of several constraints to address separation of concerns, visibility, reliability, scalability and performance. REST principles are defined as:

  • Addressable resources — Each resource must be addressable via a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
  • Representation-oriented — A resource referred by one URI may have  differentrepresentation formats  (e.g., JSON,  XML, etc.).
  • Statelessness — Servers cannot  hold the state  of a client session Instead, data representation formats  provide  information on how to  manage  the  state of the application for each client (e.g., using embedded  URIs).
  • Uniform and Constrained Interface — A small set of well-defined methods are used to manipulate resources (i.e., HTTP verbs).

The last two principles are maybe the most distinguishing features of REST from other Web services specifications.  According to these principles,  each request is treated as an independent transaction and must only rely on the set of operations of the HTTP protocol.  HTTP methods are used in REST as follows:

  • GET is used to retrieve  a representation of a resource.  It is a read-only,  idempotent  and safe operation.
  • PUT is used to update a reference to a resource on the  server and  it is idempotent  as well.
  • POST is used to create a resource on the server based on the data  included in the body request. It is the only nonidempotent and  unsafe operation of HTTP.
  • DELETE is used to remove a resource on the server.  It is idempotent  as well.
  • HEAD is similar to GET but returning only a response code and the header associated with the request.
  • OPTIONS is used to request information about the communication options of the addressed resource (e.g., security capabilities such as CORS).

Being a collection of principles rather than a set of standards, several resources on best practices and recommendations were written to help developers to write RESTful Web services.  In order to generate a high-quality RESTful Web API, we apply in EMF-REST the best practices described in [13].

3   Mapping EMF and REST principles

Being a collection of principles rather than a set of standards, several resources on best practices and recommendations were written to help developers to write RESTful Web services. In order to generate a high-quality RESTful Web API, we apply in EMF-REST the best practices described in [13].

Figure  1: Simple Ecore model of an IFML subset.

To illustrate the approach, we will use a running example consisting on creating a distributed application aimed at managing IFML (Interaction Flow Modeling Language) models. IFML is an OMG standard language designed for expressing the content, user interaction and control behavior of the front-end applications developed for systems such as Computers and Mobile phones [6]. Figure 1 shows an excerpt of the IFML metamodel. As can be seen, IFMLModel is the top-level container of all the model elements and represents an IFML model. It contains an InteractionFlowModel which is the user view of an application. The concepts extending ViewContainer, ViewComponets, ViewComponentPart, and ViewElementEvent represent the visual elements of an IFML model.

Figure 2 shows an IFML model which consists of a form allowing to add a movie. The model is composed of (i) a Window container named AddMovieWindow, (ii) a Form component named AddMovieForm, (iii) a list of fields of types SimpleField and SelectionField representing the elements of the form, and finally (iv) a ViewElementEvent of type OnsubmitEvent allowing to submit the form. In what follows we will see how we would allow creating the AddMovieForm form by calling a REST API generated from the IFML model following the REST principles.

Figure  2: IFML model of AddMovie

3.1     Addressable Resources

Models in EMF are addressed via a URI, which is a string with a well-defined structure as shown in the expression (1). This expression contains three parts specifying: (1) a scheme, (2) a scheme-specific part and (3) an optional fragment. The scheme is the first part separated by the ”:” character and identifies the protocol used to access the model (e.g., platform, file or jar ). In Eclipse we use platform for URIs that identify resources in Eclipse-specific locations, such as the workspace. The scheme-specific part is in the middle and its format depends on the scheme. It usually includes an authority that specifies a host, the device and the segments, where the latter two constitute a local path to a resource location.  The optional fragment is separated from the rest of the URI by the # character and identifies a subset of the contents of the resource specified by URI, as we will illustrate below.  The expression (2) shows an example of a platform-specific URI which refers to the AddMovie model, represented as a file AddMovie.xmi contained in a project called project in Eclipse workspace. It is important to note that in EMF model instances include a reference to the Ecore model they conform to.

[scheme:][scheme-specific-part][#fragment] (1)
platform:/resource/project/AddMovie.xmi (2)

We map the previous URI to a Web URL as follows. The base URL pattern of a model instance is defined by the expression (3). In the pattern, the part https:// [application-Link]/rest is the URL of the Web application, modelId is the identifier of the model (e.i., the Ecore model) and ModelInstanceId is the identifier of the model instance being accessed (the XMI file). The URL (4) represents an example to retrieve the IFML model used in the example. As can be seen, while the URI can address a file representing a model instance (where a reference to the Ecore model is included), the URL requires indicating the identifier of both the Ecore model and the model instance.

https://[applicationLink]/rest/[ModelId]/[ModelInstanceId]  (3)
https://example.com/rest/IFMLModel/AddMovie  (4)

This URL acts as the entrypoint for a particular model instance and points to its root element, which is normally the case in EMF. When the model instance has more that one root, we point at the first.

Once pointing to the root of a model instance, addressing a particular element of the model in the EMF is done by using the part fragment in (1). The navigation is done using the reference names in the Ecore model. For instance, the concept IFMLModel has the reference interactionFlowModel to access the InteractionFlowModel.  Using the EMF API, the URI is shown in (5), while using the Web API, the URL is shown in (6).

platform:/resource/project/AddMovie.xmi#//@interactionFlowModel  (5)
https://example.com/rest/IFMLModel/AddMovie/interactionFlowModel (6)

Depending on the cardinality of the reference this will return a specific element if it is single-valued (like in the case of interactionFlowModel ) – or a collection of elements – if it is multi-valued. Accessing a specific element contained in a collection can be done using (i) the identifier of the element or (ii) its index in the list.  Also, when navigating through the references contained in elements being subclasses of a hierarchy, the appropriate filtering is done on the fly. For instance, the URI (7) retrieves the element representing title in EMF, while in EMF-REST it is done using the call (8). Note how the latter navigates through the reference viewElements, which is only included in ViewContainer element. To identify an element, we rely on the identifier flag provided by Ecore, which allows setting the attribute acting as identifier for a given class5.

platform:/resource/project/AddMovie.xmi#title (7)
AddMovieForm/viewComponentsParts/title  (8)

On the other  hand,  the call (9) will retrieve  the first element of the collection of viewComponentsParts in the  EMF  API.  In our approach, it is done by adding the parameter index  in the URL as illustrated in the call (10).

platform:/resource/project/AddMovie.xmi#//.../@viewComponentsParts.0 (9)
AddMovieForm/viewComponentsParts?index=0 (10)

3.2     Representation-Oriented

By default,  EMF  persists  models  using  the  XMI representation format.   Our approach relies also on XMI to save the models internally, however, models are offered to clients  using both  JSON-based and  XML-based  storages  in order  to comply with the representation-oriented principle  of the REST  architecture.

For the JSON, we adher to the following structure. Model concepts are represented as JSON objects containing  key/value pairs for the model attributes/references.  Keys are the name of the attribute/reference of the concept and values are their textual representation in one of the datatypes supported in JSON (i.e., string,  boolean, numeric,  or array). For attributes, their  values are mapped  according to the corresponding  JSON supported datatype or String  when there  is not  a direct  correspondence (e.g.,  float-typed attributes).  When  the  attribute is multi-valued, its values are represented using the  array  datatype.  For  references, the  value  is the  URI of the  addressed  resource  within  the  server  (if the reference  is multi-valued, the  value  will be represented as an  array  of URIs). Listing  1 shows an  example  of the  content format  in JSON.  Note  that references containing  a set of elements  from model hierarchies  are serialized as a list of JSON objects corresponding  to their dynamic type (see viewComponentParts reference including  SimpleField  and SelectionField  JSON  objects).

In  XML,  model  concepts  are  represented as  XML  elements  including  an XML element for each model attribute/reference. Attribute values are included as string  values in the XML element representing such attribute, references are represented according  to their  cardinality. If the  reference is single-valued,  the resulting  XML element will include  only the  URI of the addressed  resource  in the  server.   On  the  other  hand,  if the  reference  is multi-valued, the  resulting XML element will include a set of XML elements including the URIs addressing the resources.  Listing 2 shows an example of the content format in XML format.

Listing 1: Partial JSON representation of the example model

1  {
2     "form":{
3         "name":"addMovieForm",
4         "viewComponentParts":{
5            "simpleField":[{
6 	"uri":"https://example.com/rest/IFMLModel/AddMovie/interactionFlowElements/AddMovieWindow/viewElements/AddMovieForm/viewComponentsParts/picture"},{
7 	"uri":"https://example.com/rest/IFMLModel/AddMovie/interactionFlowElements/AddMovieWindow/viewElements/AddMovieForm/viewComponentsParts/title"},...],
8            ...
9         },
10         "viewElementEvents":{
11            "onsubmitevent":{"uri":"https://example.com/rest/IFMLModel/AddMovie/interactionFlowElements/AddMovieWindow/viewElements/AddMovieForm/viewelementevents/add"}
12         }
13     }
14  }

Listing 2: Partial XML representation of the example model

1 <form>
2    <name>AddMovieForm</name>
3    <viewComponentParts>
4        <simpleField>
5 	         <uri>https://example.com/rest/IFMLModel/AddMovie/interactionFlowElements/AddMovieWindow/viewElements/AddMovieForm/viewComponentsParts/picture</uri>
6        </simpleField>
7        <simpleField>
8 	         <uri>https://example.com/rest/IFMLModel/AddMovie/interactionFlowElements/AddMovieWindow/viewElements/AddMovieForm/viewComponentsParts/title</uri>
9        </simpleField>
10         ...
11    </viewComponentParts>
12    <viewElementEvents>
13        <onSubmitEvent>
14 	          <uri>https://example.com/rest/IFMLModel/AddMovie/interactionFlowElements/AddMovieWindow/viewElements/AddMovieForm/viewElementEvents/add</uri>
15        </onSubmitEvent>
16    </viewElementEvents>
17 </form>

3.3     Uniform and Constrained Interface & Statelessness

EMF  supports loading,  unloading  and  saving  model instances  after  their  manipulation.  In our approach, these  operations are managed  by the  application server.  Models are loaded (and  unloaded)  dynamically  as resources  when running  the  application managing  the  Web  API,  and  they  are  saved  after  each operation  is done, thus  conforming to the REST  statelessness behavior.

To manipulate model instances,  EMF enables the basic CRUD  (i.e., create, read, update and delete) operations over model instances  by means of either the EMF generated API or the EObject  API.  We map the same CRUD  operations into  the  corresponding  HTTP methods  (POST, GET,  PUT,  and  DELETE ). For  instance,  Listing  3 shows the  code to modify the  name  of the  form called AddMovieForm  using EMF generated API for the AddMovie model.  The same operation  can  be done  on our  Web  API  by sending  the  PUT  HTTP method containing  the JSON  representation of the new Form  model element,  as shown in Listing  4.

Listing  3: Update  the attribute of a concept  using EMF generated API.

1  ...
2  addMovieFormObj.setName("toto");//addMovieFormObj is of type Form
3  ...

Listing  4:  HTTP call  and  JSON  representation to  update the  name  of the addressed  form.

1  PUT https://example.com/rest/IFMLModel/AddMovie/interactionFlowElements/AddMovieWindow/viewElements/AddMovieForm
2  {"form":{
3                name :"toto"
4                }
5  }

Table  1 shows how each  CRUD  operation  is addressed  along  with  several URL examples.  The  first column of the table  describes the  operations. As can be seen, the first two rows represent operations over collections, enabling adding new elements (see first row) and reading their content (see second row).  The rest of the  rows describe  operations over either  individual  elements  of a collection (see cases 1 and 2 of these operations) or elements  contained in a single-valued reference  (see  case  3).   The  second  column  shows  the  correspondent HTTP method  for each operation  while the  third  column  presents  the  corresponding URL for each case.  Finally,  the  last  column  includes  a small  model to better illustrate the cases considered  in the table.

Table 1: Supported operations in the generated API.

Operation http Method URL Model
CREATE and add element to the collection POST …/a/bs
READ all the elements from the collection GET
READ the element(1) identied by <id>,(2) in the <i> position of the collection, or(3) the element c GET (1) …/a/bs/<id>

(2) …/a/bs?index=<i>

(3) …/a/c

UPDATE the element(1) identi_ed by <id>,(2) in the <i> position of the collection, or(3) the element c PUT
DELETE the element(1) identi_ed by <id>,(2) in the <i> position of the collection, or(3) the element c DELETE

4    Additional EMF-REST Features

We  provide  also support for validation and  security  aspects  in the  generated RESTful  Web API.

4.1     Validation

Support  for validating the API data  calls is pretty limited  in current web technologies.  The most relevant one for our scenario would be the Bean Validation specification  to enforce the  validation of Java  Beans.   However, this specification  can  only  ensure  that fields follow certain  constraints (e.g.,  a field is not null) and cannot satisfy complex validation scenarios for model integrity (e.g., a form must have at least one field ).  On the other  hand, MDE provides specific support for validating models,  for instance,   the  Object  Constraint Language [21], a language complementing UML [17] that allows software  developers  to write complex constraints over object  models.  Thus,  we employ OCL to define constraints as annotations in the model elements.

OCL  annotations can  be attached to  concepts  in the  model  as invariants. An example on the IFML example model is shown in Figure 3. As can be seen, concepts  include  a set of invariants inside the  annotation OCL plus the  annotation Ecore/constrains which  specifies the  invariants to  execute.    Invariants are  checked  each  time  a resource  is modified  (i.e.,  each  time  the  Web  API  is called from a Web-based  client using the  POST, PUT or DELETE methods). This validation scheme  is imposed  to  comply  with  the  stateless  property of REST architetures, however, it may involve some design constraints when creating  the model.   In  those  cases where  models  cannot  be validated each  time  they  are modified (e.g., creating  model elements  requires several steps to fulfill cardinality constraints), we allow this validation process to be temporary be deactivated. The results  of the validation process are mapped  into the corresponding  HTTP response messages (i.e., using status codes)

Figure  3: Annotations on an excerpt  of the example  model.

4.2     Security

While  there  is little  support for security  definition  and  enforcement from the MDE side, we have plenty of support from web technologies.  In particular, our approach allows designers  to  provide  some security  annotations on the  model that are then translated into security  restrictions as described below. As part  of the generation, we also create a separated admin view where additional security information (like users and passwords)  can be maintained.

In order to secure a Web application, we have to:  (i) ensure that only authenticated users can access resources,  (ii) ensure  the  confidentiality and  integrity of data  exchanged  by the  client/server, and  (iii)  prevent unauthorized clients from abusing  data.   In order  to address  the  previous  requirements, we rely on a set of security  protocols  and  services provided  by Java  EE  which enable  encryption,  authentication and  authorization in Web APIs,  as we will explain  in the following.

  • Encryption: The Web defines HTTPS protocol  to add the encryption capacities of SSL/TLS to standard HTTP communication. We enforce the  use to HTTPS to communicate with its services.
  • Authentication: We rely on basic authentication to provide  the  authentication  mechanism  since it  is simple,  widely supported, and  secure  by  using HTTPS. The basic authentication involves sending a Base64-encoded username  and password  within  the HTTPS request  header  to the server.
  • Authorization: While  the  authentication is enabled  by  the  protocol/server, the  authorization is generally  provided  by the  application, which knows the  permissions  for each resource  operation.  We use a simple role-based mechanism  to support authorization in the generated Web API. Roles are associated  to users (i.e.,  authentication) and  operations in the  Web API (i.e.,  authorization).  In our  approach roles are  assigned  to  resources  by adding  annotations to  the  model.   Figure  3 illustrates the  use  of these annotations (e.g., see annotation Ecore/roles in the Form  concept).

5    EMF-REST API Architecture

To  implement the  features  described  in the  previous  sections,  we devised  the application architecture presented in Figure  4.  This  architecture can then  be seamlessly accessed with a variety  of clients.

Figure  4: Architecture of the generated application.

The  Web  application is split  into  three  main  components  according  to the functionality they  provide:   (1)  content management,  (2)  validation and  (3) security.   The  application relies on EMF  as modeling  framework  and  uses the following additional frameworks/specifications for each component, respectively: (1) Java  Architecture for XML Binding  (JAXB) to enable  the  content format support, (2) Eclipse OCL framework  to provide  validation before updating the model, (3) Java  Persistence API  (JPA) to provide  security  support by storing the  system  users  and  their  permissions  in an  embedded  database.  The  Web application also leverages on Enterprise Java  Bean  (EJB), Context  dependency Injection  (CDI)  and  Java  API  for Representational State  Transfer (JAX-RS) specifications.    EJBs  enable  rapid  and  simplified  development of distributed, transactional, secure and  portable  applications.  They  are in charge  of loading the  EMF  resources  from  the  persistent storage  and  providing  the  necessary methods  to  manage  the  resources  (e.g.,  obtaining  objects  from  the  resource, removing  objects)  in  a  secure  and  transactional way.   These  EJBs  are  then injected  into  JAX-RS  services  using  CDI  technology.   Thus,  JAX-RS  is used to expose EMF  resources  as Web services.  In the  remaining  of the  section  we describe how all these technologies  are used in each component.

5.1     Content Management

This component addresses  the mapping  between  EMF and REST  principles.  It is in turn  split  into  two  subcomponents:  (1)  content  format,  which addresses the mapping  of the second REST  principle (i.e., Representation-Oriented); and (2) navigation/operation, which addresses  the rest of the REST  principles.

Regarding   the  content  format,   we  enrich  the  EMF  generated API  with JAXB6 annotations, which enable the support for mapping  Java  classes to XML/JSON (i.e.,  marshalling/unmarshalling  Java  object  into/from XML/JSON documents). The Listing 5 shows an example of the use of JAXB annotations to produce  the corresponding  representation in JSON  (as shown in Listing 1) and XML (as shown in Listing  2).  As can be seen, each concept  class is mapped  to an XmlRootElement element, while either  XmlElement or XmlElementWrapper elements  are used to map the attributes or references of the class, respectively. Other  annotations are  used  to  deal  with  the  references  and  inheritance.  For instance,  XmlJavaTypeAdapter and XmlAnyElement are used to associate  a reference of an element with the corresponding  representation.

Navigation  and  operations are enabled  by using JAX-RS,  which provides  a set of Java  APIs for building Web services conforming to the REST style.  Thus, this specification defines how to expose POJOs as Web resources, using HTTP as network protocol.  For each concept (e.g., IFMLModel ) a resource will be created (e.g., IFMLModelResource) annotated with @Path (e.g., @Path(“IFMLModel”)). The  @Path annotation has  the value  that represents the  relative  root  URI  of the  addressed  resource.   For  instance,  if the  base  URI  of the  server  is http://example.com/rest/, the resource will be available  under  the location  http://example.com/rest/IFMLModel.   To  produce  a  particular response  when  a request  with  GET,  PUT,  POST  and  DELETE is intercepted by  a  resource, resource methods  are annotated with @GET, @PUT, @POST and @DELETE what  are invoked for each corresponding  HTTP verb.

Listing 5:  Part of  the ViewComponent  concept.

1  @XmlRootElement(name="viewcomponent")
2  @XmlSeeAlso({ViewComponentProxy.class,//...
3  })
4  public class ViewComponentImpl extends ViewElementImpl
5     implements  ViewComponent  {
6     // ...
7     @XmlElementWrapper (name="viewComponentParts")
8     @XmlAnyElement(lax=true)
9     @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(value=ViewComponentPartAdapter.class )
10     public EListgetViewComponentParts(){
11         if(viewComponentParts==null){
12 	           viewComponentParts = new EObjectContainmentWithInverseEList(ViewComponentPart.class,this,IfmlPackage.VIEW_COMPONENT__VIEW_COMPONENT_PARTS,IfmlPackage.VIEW_COMPONENT_PART__VIEW_COMPONENT);
13         }
14         return viewComponentParts;
15     }
16     // ...

5.2     Validation

Our  approach leverages on Eclipse OCL7 to validate  the  data  by means  of annotations including  the constrains to check the model elements.  The generated API  relies on the  provided  APIs  for parsing  and  evaluating OCL  constraints and queries on Ecore models.  When constraints are not satisfied, the validation process will fire an exception  that will be mapped  by JAX-RS  into  an HTTP response including the corresponding  message indicating  the violated constraint.

5.3     Security

We  rely  on  the  combination of Java  EE  and  JAX-RS  for the  authentication and authorization mechanisms  by using the concept of role, while encryiption is provided by using HTTPS. To enable authentication, the deployment descriptor of the  WAR  file (i.e.,  WEB-INF/web.xml) has been modified to include  the  security  constraints (i.e., <security-constraint>) defining the access privileges. Assigning permissions  for HTTP operations based on the roles provided  in the model is done by using the @RolesAllowed annotation. For example,  as shown before, Figure 3 shows that the role allowed for the Form  concept is admin.This will restrict access to  the  resource  to  the users  having  the  role ADMIN.  To express this in the generated API, the annotation @RolesAllowed({“ADMIN”}) is placed on top of FormResource.  If no role is assigned to a concept, a @PermitAll annotation is placed on the resource class meaning that all security roles are permitted to access this  resource.   Note that security  roles assigned  to a resource are not inherited by its sub-resources.

To manage  the list of users and their  roles, we generate  an admin  view that allows the manager  of the API to add,  edit and remove users.  All created  users have  a default  role (i.e.,  user ) allowing them  to access unannotated  concepts. The  manager  can assign more roles to a user in order  to grant him/her access to a specific resource.

6    Code Generation and Tool Support

In  order  to  generate  the  REST  APIs  we created  a Java  tool  available  as  an open-source  Eclipse plugin [1]. Figure 5 shows the steps followed by the tool to generate  the application starting from an initial  Ecore model.

Figure 5: EMF-REST generation process.

Step I of the process generates  a Maven-based8 project that serves as a skeleton of the application. Maven allows a project  to be built  by using the Project Object  Model  (POM)  file, thus  providing  a uniform  build  system.   The  POM is initialized  with  the  required  library  dependencies  described  in the  previous section.

In Step  II, the  EMF  code generation  facility  has been extended to include the required support for JAXB and validation. In particular, the JET  templates used by EMF  to generate  Java  code have  been extended  to produce  the  code corresponding  to the  JAXB  annotations and  the  required  methods  to execute the OCL validation process.

Step III performs  a set of model-to-text transformations using EGL to generate  the remaining  elements,  including:  (1) the JAX-RS,  CDI and EJB  implementation classes, (2)  the  admin  view developed  and  (3)  a simple  JavaScript API  to  facilitate  Web  developers  to  build  clients  for the  generated Web  API. For each part  of the  application (e.g., JAX-RS  resources,  etc.),  an EGL transformation  template has been implemented to generate  the appropriate behavior according the input  Ecore class. Since this step requires several transformations, the MTC tool [4] has been used to orchestrate the flow of the EGL templates.

7    Related Work

Several efforts have  been made  to bring  together  MDE and  Web  Engineering. This  field is usually  referred  to  as  Model Driven  Web  Engineering  (MDWE) and  proposes  the  use of models  and  model  transformations for the  specification  and semiautomatic generation  of Web  applications [7, 10, 11, 15, 18, 22]. Mainly,  data  models, navigation models and  presentations models are used for this purpose.

Some of these  works provide  support for the  generation  of Web services as well, but  support for generation  of RESTful  APIs  is very limited  [12, 16, 20]. Moreover,  these  approaches require  the  designer  to specifically model the  API itself using some kind of tool-specific DSL from which then the API is (partially) generated.  To the  best  of our knowledge,  only Texo  [3] provides an extension to  EMF  in  order  to  support the  creation  of RESTful  APIs  but  providing  a proprietary solution which requires extending  the user’s meta-model  with metadata  to drive the  API  generation. Instead, our approach is able to generate  a complete  RESTful  API from any data  model.

8    Conclusion

In this paper  we have presented EMF-REST, an approach to generate  RESTful Web APIs out of EMF models.  We believe our approach fills an important gap between  the  modeling and  Web technologies,  thus  enabling  MDE practitioners to bring their models into the Web.  EMF-REST has been released as an Eclipse plugin and is publicly available  [1].

As further  work, we plan to extend  the current support for security  (e.g., a more  fine-grained  security  mechanism) and validation (e.g.,  supporting transactions).    Also,  we would  like to  work  on a small  configuration  DSL to  help designers parameterize the  style  of the  generated API  (e.g.,  configuring  the URIs to the  resources).  Existing  approaches, like WADL9 and  RSDL10 , which also propose  DSLs to  describe  Web  APIs  could  be useful  here.   We  are  also interested in exploring  the  benefits  of using EMF-REST in combination with client-side  modeling  environments, for instance,  in Eclipse,  thus  enabling developers  to deal with  large EMF  models in a transparent way (i.e.,  models in Eclipse that are remotely  stored  using an EMF-REST backend).


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1 http://www.eclipse.org/epsilon/doc/egl/

2 https://eclipse.org/modeling/m2t/

3 https://eclipse.org/atl/

4 http://www.eclipse.org/epsilon/doc/etl/

5 When the identifier is not used, the fallback behavior looks for an attribute called id, name or having the unique flag activated.

6 https://jaxb.java.net/

7 http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/mdt/?project= =ocl

8 http://maven.apache.org/

9 http://www.w3.org/Submission/wadl/

10 http://goo.gl/7wpf9y

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