I learnt a lot when Greg and I did our study of web-based project management portals , specially when interviewing their creators.
Even if each interview took a lot of time (preparing the interview, transcribing and processing it,…), it was arguably the best source of information and by far the most interesting one since it gave us the opportunity to understand the rationale behind the tool design decisions and evolution.
Therefore, I’ve decided to try a similar approach with software modeling and model-driven tools, having interviews (or “virtual coffee talks”) with lead developers of modeling tools I find especially interesting.
This is the list of interviews I’ve done so far:
- A coffee with Javi Muñoz – MOSkitt tool
- A coffee with Rafael Chaves – TextUML Toolkit
- A coffee with Frank Wille – Novulo MDD tool
- A coffee with Johan den Haan – Mendix
- A coffee with Stefano Butti (WebRatio – MDD tool for building Web/SOA business applications)
- Two coffees with OutSystems (Agile Platform – development of Enterprise Applications): 2011 and 2016 (after their 55M funding round)
- A coffee with Juan Carlos Molina (Integranova Model Execution System)
- A coffee with APSL: Development practices at APSL, a SME that loves Python & Django
- A coffee with Arnaud Roques, creator of the textual UML tool PlantUML
- A coffee with Dave Grow, chief operating officer at Lucid, the company behind the online modeling tool Lucidchart
- Interview with Cédric Brun on Sirius – The easiest way to get your own modeling tool
- Interview with Francis Bordeleau on Papyrus, “the” modeling platform in Eclipse
- Interview with Gaël Blondelle on Eclipse and its modeling ecosystem
- From Models to Code with no mysterious gaps, an interview with Leon Starr
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