We have now closed the abstract submission phase for ECMFA’14 (European Conference on Modeling Foundations and Apoplications) and I thought you may be curious to see the wordcloud that we get with the titles of all submitted papers (track Foundations only).

I’ve just done minimal edits (e.g. to remove the words model and modeling which obviously appeared in almost every paper, remove plurals and replace full names with acronyms when appropriate). And this is the result (thanks to Wordle).

ECMFA wordcloud

Not that you should derive many conclusions from this but it’s interesting to see that UML continues strong and that there is quite a few papers about “business” and “processes” (not always going together). Also curious to see that “Approach” is basically the most used word (together with transformation). I guess this says a lot about our skills in paper writing 🙂 When we are not sure whether we are presenting a method, methodology, technique, framework… we just call it “Approach” and feel better about it.

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