Smart modeling tools – AI to help you model better
List of smart modeling tools, i.e. tools that include an AI assistant to help modelers write better models faster.
List of smart modeling tools, i.e. tools that include an AI assistant to help modelers write better models faster.
LSP (Language Server Protocol) facilitates the development of IDEs but so far only language server for textual languages are supported. Read our proposal to adapt LSP for graphical lenguages
TemporalEMF adds native temporal support for models. Models are automatically treated as temporal models and can be subjected to temporal queries to retrieve the model contents at different points in time. Behind the scenes, the history of a model is transparently stored in a NoSQL database.
Most NoSQL database systems do not require the definition of schemas but this does not mean such schema does not (implicitly) exist. We have implemented a model-driven reverse engineering approach to infer such NoSQL implicit schemas
Summary of our contributions towards a scalable query and transformation modeling framework able to handle very large models
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