This is a recurrent question, meaning that unfortunately we still have no good solution for the problem of blind / visual impaired people interested in using modeling tools. We discussed the topic of UML for the blind a few years ago and gave a couple of suggestions like using textual modeling notations (for those languages that have one) or, a more extreme one, to use a 3D printer to at least being able to “see” the generated model (which if we look at this last comment may even become a reality ).

Still, in this case Marvin wrote to me saying:

“Hi, I’m a blind IT programming student doing certificate UV programming from and using visual studio community edition 2013. I’m now using a screen reader jaws for windows from but need to use the visual studio modelling projects, to design uml, case, state, use, class and sequence diagrams for a core subject that cannot be changed by my lecturer and need some way for my screen reader to read the output of those tools ”

As I said before I could point him to the various UML textual tools (that combined cover most UML diagrams) but I just want to make sure there have been no new developments that can make his life easier. Anybody has pointers on accesible modeling tools ?

Image credit goes to Paul Wright

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