I’m happy that a first version of our IFML (Interaction Flow Modeling Language) open source editor for Eclipse is now available in GitHub.
To give it a try, follow these simple instructions that will guide you on how to install it (using our Eclipse update site) and create your first IFML model.
The Editor has been developed as an EMF-based Eclipse plug-in using Sirius (“The easiest way to get your own Modeling Tool“) to create the graphical modeling environment.
The editor has been created in collaboration with WebRatio and Politecnico di Milano as part of our joint project Automobile aimed at: “designing and bringing to the market innovative methodologies, software tools, and vertical applications for the cost-effective implementation of cross-platform, multi-device mobile applications”. Therefore, this IFML editor will incorporate as well the mobile extensions developed in the context of this project in the future.
Another editor for IFML is also available. The IFMLEdit editor is a web-based IFML editor also including a web generator and a mobile generator.
To learn more about IFML itself, you can check this tutorial, quick reference card or read about the story behind the language
FNR Pearl Chair. Head of the Software Engineering RDI Unit at LIST. Affiliate Professor at University of Luxembourg. More about me.
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