Quite regularly, I get questions about what empirical evidence supports my “belief” that models are good (what kind of models, how much modeling is necessary, whether models should be used as blueprints or as executable models,… are not today’s topic).

Until now, I used to point to the (true, few) scientific empirical studies on the effectiveness of software modeling but now I have an even answer to give you: “Empirical Evidence of the Value of Version Control”.

No, I haven’t lost my mind. The point of this link is to show you that there’s no proof that version control is better for software development, and yet, I don’t think any of you would argue against it.

Same for modeling and model-driven engineering. It would be great to have more proof but the absence of proof alone should not be used against it unless you want to start also abandoning other unproven things like version control.

The difference between the two (version control and MDE) is that, as we have discussed before, MDE is not a cool technology and therefore people needs a stronger argument to adopt it. You may not believe that MDE is useful and that’s fine but at least be consistent and stop whining about the lack of proof.

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