Just in time for your Christmas Shopping, Marco Brambilla and Piero Fraternali have published the “Interaction Flow Modeling Language – Model-Driven UI Engineering of Web and Mobiel Apps with IFML” book:

As the official book announcement by WebRatio (the company that lead the standardization effort) says,

the book introduces the reader to Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML), the innovative OMG standard. It discusses the main concepts of the language. It explains how IFML can be applied in practice to the specification and implementation of complex web and mobile applications that feature rich interactive interfaces, both browser-based and native; client-side components and widgets; and connections to data sources, business logic components and services. IFML brings the power of conceptual modeling where it is most important: the development of the user interface. This book describes the features of the language and a method for adopting it for the front-end design of any kind of software applications. It provides extensive examples and use cases where the language is put to work in real and realistic scenarios, and takes the reader on the voyage from visual specifications of requirements to design and code production.

For quick introductions to IFML you can check this IFML tutorial and reference card. You can also try to create IFML models yourself thanks to this IFML open source editor (and its version for modeling mobile apps) developed with our participation in the context of the Automobile research project.

Needless to say this book is a great complement of our, more general, model-driven software engineering in practice book

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