Some monts ago, Greg Wilson and I talked about how nice it would be to be able to mix different kinds of model elements (as use cases, classes, states,…) in the same UML diagram.

This is specially useful when using UML as Sketch in order to communicate your design ideas with other members of the team.

It seems that now we have already a tool we could use for this purpose: Gaphor . Gaphor does not restrict the elements you can use in one diagram (if you know other similar tools please let me know).

I don’t see any inconvenient (and many benefits) in having this flexibility. Of course, the tool should also have the option of visualizing more  “standard” views of the models (automatically derived from the elements specified in the mixed diagrams) for a more formal specification of the system in later phases (although I can think of some examples of mixed static-dynamic diagrams that would also very useful when implementing the system)


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