Robert Clarisó sent me this excerpt form the Hype Cycle de Gartner for Application Development 2014 (link, but you’ll need to have a Gartner account).

Model-driven architectures (MDA) became obsolete before reaching full maturity. This a reflection of the market shift to more general, model-driven development approaches. Application platform as a service (aPaaS), business process management suites (BPMSs) and high-productivity platforms all share heritage in development by abstraction and rule and metadata specification. Pure-play MDA providers will continue to be tracked, and Gartner will continue to cover MDA. In the future, coverage will be focused on model-driven engineering in all its forms, not just MDA.

To be honest, this is hardly a surprise. When it first appear in 2003 (MDA Guide v1), MDA was a good marketing/teaching concept to introduce people to the world of model-driven engineering but it quickly became clear that to address the variety of market needs we needed a more flexible concept and it ended up fading away (I bet very few people know that in fact, the OMG “recently” published a second version of the MDA guide). In defense of MDA, I have to say that MDA in itself was quite flexible already but most people took it in its most restrictive view (one PIM – on PSM – final code process) and I guess that after a while, tool vendors had to come up with alternative names to keep selling their tools so its fate was sealed anyway.

So, let’s all chant: “MDA is dead, long live MDE” (and if you’re still not sure about the differences between them, check this page clarifying concepts: MBE vs MDE vs MDD vs MDA ).

Featured image by Kev-shine

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