I attended ICSE 2015 (37th International Conference on Software Engineering) and the high point of the conference (for me, and given the huge attendance and crowd reaction, for many others) was the keynote of Grady Booch on the Future of Software Engineering. Not only because of his (technical) opinion but because of the way he managed to told us (and captivated us with) the story of computing in just one hour. He is without a doubt the storyteller of the software engineering community 🙂

While I took some notes during the talk, there’s nothing better to watch the video (again) and thanks God, the complete talk was recorded. The video has now been uploaded to youtube. Please watch it. But, if you don’t, at least read some of the highlights below or this other summary post by D. Spinellis. And if you same some more time, you can also reread these previous interviews where he talked about software development and UML.

Every line of code has a moral and ethical implementation #GradyBooch Share on X Software Engineering is also about engineering the humans involved #GradyBooch Share on X Old code never dies, you have to kill it #GradyBooch Share on X Core tax system in the US is built with assembler!!!! (& nobody dares to touch it) #GradyBooch Share on X New companies develop software fast because they don´t have legacy problems. #gradybooch Share on X Developing software is like making love. Lots of mechanics but still an art. #GradyBooch Share on X Developing new software is like having a baby. Lots of fun but also plenty of bad smells #GradyBooch Share on X You cannot outsource innovation #GradyBooch Share on X History of software engineering is a rise in the levels of abstraction. Share on X It's a privilege and responsibility to be a software engineer because we can change the world Share on X

(btw, if you were wondering what I was doing at ICSE myself, the answer is this)

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