Why should you care? Well, I dare to say this is the most popular and vendor-independent blog on modeling and MDE topics so clearly my audience is very relevant to your goals. It´s up to you to take this opportunity. So, are you ready to showcase your tool in front all the modeling experts that visit this portal every day? Then, please keep reading.

Is your tool free?
If your tool is free (and I mean completely free, freemium models do not qualify) and/or open source, then there are four (free of charge) possible ways to get your tool featured in the portal:

  • If your tool is so amazing or innovative I cannot wait, I’ll write a short blog post about it myself
  • If I like your tool and think it could of the interest of my readers I may contact you and see if you’d like to write a guest blog post introducing the tool to the portal readers.
  • You can also take the initiative and ping me to ask if I’d be interested in publishing a guest post written by you presenting the tool to the portal readers
  • If not only the tool but yourself/your company are especially interesting, you could be featured in one of our interviews with MDE experts (though it’s been a while since I did the last one I still open to good interview opportunities).

Are we talking about a commercial tool?
No worries, you can still get the word out there about your amazing tool by advertising on the blog, writing a sponsored post or ordering a tool review.

In any case, remember to follow these netiquette rules for writing guest blog posts when preparing your proposal

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