
In this work we have proposed a new model-driven framework for enhancing the security of CUIs by integrating and adapting the semantics of the Role-Based Access-Control (RBAC) protocol to Conversational User Interfaces (CUIs).

In particular, we have extended a generic CUI metamodel with RBAC primitives that enable the definition of fine-grained access control policies for all key CUI elements (such as intents, states, and transitions) and proposed a concrete textual syntax to express and implement such access control policy rules. We also show the feasibility of our approach and applicability by showing how it can be implemented on top of an existing chatbot framework using two different strategies.

As further work, we plan to cover additional types of security concerns beyond access-control such as ConfidentialityIntegrityAvailabilityNon-repudiation, and many others. The requirements for each of these properties for a given bot should be modeled together with the bot definition, as we have done for access-control policies, via new extensions of our DSL. Then, the concrete implementation strategy will largely depend on the security concern. Some concerns can be delegated to the chatbot engine itself, e.g., protection against DDoS attacks could be taken care of by the engine embedding a rule to automatically disconnect clients sending too many requests, where the threshold is defined when modeling the chatbot. Others to the different clients and connectors to deploy the bots, e.g., encryption requirements could be implemented as the configuration of the communication libraries part of the chatbot widget embedded in webpages in charge of sending user requests to the chatbot server. Finally, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance could be facilitated by providing standard conversations (e.g., to consent to the recording of the interaction) to be automatically added to any bot. Our code generation process should be extended for each of these situations accordingly.

Finally, we also plan to enrich the framework by supporting more expressive access control models and languages such as XACML and alternative implementation strategies that facilitate the adoption of our language to deploy secure bots in other environments. We will also start exploring the extension of testing, verification and validation techniques for secured CUIs, expanding on the initial discussion presented in this work.