Ericsson Modeling Days
A new edition of the Ericsson Modeling days is coming up. A unique opportunity to meet with plenty of companies interested in model-driven engineering
Adoption of model-driven engineering in open source projects
First empirical study on the adoption of Eclipse-based modelling technologies in open-source projects on GitHub. Promising results!
SQL Database for your Git repository (slides)
Export your Git repositories to a relational database for a simpler data analysis using standard SQL tools. Easy integration with other tools
Popularity will NOT bring more contributions to your OSS project
What makes an open source software successful (in terms of commits, contributors,…)? I have no idea but this post explains one thing that will NOT work
Metrics and charts to see the evolution of the WordPress codebase
5 people are responsible for more than 50% of all commits in WordPress. Read this & other metrics giving you a better picture of how the WP code has evolved
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