I’m aware that Perl is not exactly the most popular language nowadays but nevertheless I think it is remarkable to find a UML metamodel (v. 1.5) implementation written in Perl: UMMF

From the web page: UMMF allows you to control how your Model will be translated into code; add your special archtectural or environmental support without relying on third-party proprietary tools! UMMF can provide a base UML meta-model implementation for other UML tools.

Among other languages, you can obviously generate Perl code from the UML diagram. Also, interestingly, UMMF had the goal of providing predefined transformations that are generally useful when writing a code generator like:

  • Generate Interfaces for all Classes.
  • Transform Classes with multiple inheritance to single inheritance using Interfaces.
  • Resolve AssociationEnd name collisions across Generalizations.
  • Generate interstitial Associations for AssociationClass’ AssocationEnds
  • Merge ModelElements from multiple XMI documents using Classifiers designated as ‘ummf.placeholders’.

Even if, finally, UMMF didn’t really advance a lot I think it’s still good to mention at least for historical reasons.

Don’t forget to check the UML tools page for a list of available UML tools

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