dresden ocl logoYesterday in the OCL Workshop I saw the presentation of the paper: Tool-Supported Step-By-Step Debugging for the Object Constraint Language, the first debugger (AFAIK) available for the OCL language. I really liked what I saw so I asked Birgit Demuth to share with all of you some more information about the debugger. Enter Birgit.

The Dresden OCL Interpreter was extended by a debugger that suspends on breakpoints and propagates variable traces to the Eclipse UI. To provide a native look and feel for Eclipse-integrated debugging, the OCL debugger was realized with the Eclipse debugging framework and was fully integrated with the OCL editor and parser of Dresden OCL.

During debugging, breakpoints can be de ned in the OCL editor and respective expressions are highlighted when stopping on a breakpoints during debugging. Currently, our OCL debugger supports step-by-step debugging, the visualization of currently interpreted OCL expressions as an expression stack, as well as viewing the debugged expression trace and variable tracing.

The screencast shows the debugger in the Eclipse debug perspective, while debugging simple constraints. You can watch how to open an OCL file, load a simple model, load a model instance (objects) as well as how to set and remove breakpoints. Then debugging is started. The debugger runs step-by-step through OCL subexpressions and displays the debugging results.

(unless you zoom in, you won’t be able to really appreciate the screencast below, so you may want to see it in a new windows, using this link)

[swf src=”http://www.dresden-ocl.org/update/stuff/ocl_2013_demo.swf” width=600 height=400]

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